On 18-19 September 2018, partners from Hellenic Open University and AECA, leaders of work packages on digital skills development environment and methodology respectively, met in Bologna to discuss pending issues and define the next steps in these two work packages.
First, participants worked on the revision of the learning outcomes (LOUTs) that cover all 21 DigComp competences and that will be promoted and supported by the project; their combination into Units (at sub-competence level), as the building block of training from the instructional design perspective; and the Units composition into coherent Learning Paths, within or across different competences.
Second, following a presentation by HOU about principles and elements of game design in the DCDS project perspective, it was agreed to propose to pilot partners a short (online) training about gamification and then identify which gaming features they feel would be most appropriate for DCDS purposes and target groups in their country.
Finally, looking at the first educational material collected, it was envisaged that for each Unit, a training guide could be developed (core material, to be translated) and auxiliary OERs can be suggested and placed in the repository. Then, for each Learning Path a self-contained introductory guide could be developed (core material, to be translated), linking to the training guides of the Units that make the Learning Path.
Participants were Achilles Kameas and (via Skype) Spiros Borotis, Andreas Panagiotopulos and Harris Rizopoulos from HOU; Alex Boschetti, Annalisa Lombardelli, Stefano Kluzer, Rodolfo Padroni and Roger Ottani from AECA; Alessandra Giampaolo and Andrea Zappi from AECA’s local partner Greenteam.