ALL DIGITAL Summit 2019 in Bologna, Italy, will host the final international workshop of the DCDS project. The two-day Summit will gather over 170 participants from 30 countries to discuss how to enhance digital skills of various population groups. The second day, 11 October, will be devoted to Basic Digital Skills and specifically to the DCDS project.
The project experience, findings and results will be presented at the plenary session and at the workshop on Day 2 and during various bilateral meetings held with project partners.
At the plenary session, the partners will give a comprehensive presentation of the project and its achievements. It will start from the rationale behind the project, its alignment to DigComp, milestones, key outcomes and pilot results, outlined by Peter Palvolgyi from ALL DIGITAL. Stefano Kluzer from AECA will explain the methodology, learning outcomes, units and paths. Achilles Kameas from HOU will share the main functionalities and tools of the learning platform and gives the overview of the DCDS as a system with its innovations and potential exploitation paths as well as policy recommendations.
The presentation will link to the workshop that will follow, titled How to use the Digital Competences Development System, conducted by the project partners.
Participants will get an insight into the Digital Competences Development Methodology behind the system and the supporting online training environment.
The workshop will move to more analytical and practical presentations of the DCDS main components (methodology, self-assessment test, online environment). An interactive online quiz will illustrate the contents and levels of the system, the methodology: how to create a training course based on DigComp, which is based on learning outcomes and composed of learning units, modules and paths which make up the full training course. A practical walk through the online environment will also be provided. Finally, experienced trainers will share tips and lessons learned.
During both days of the event, the project will be promoted by the partners and at the special stand of ALL DIGITAL at the Project marketplace during breaks.