On May 31st and June 1st, Fundación Esplai organized a Multiplier Event and a Peer Review, respectively. Both events were framed in the Fundación Esplai Forum, which took place on May 31st and June 1st and 2nd in Madrid.
The aim of the Multiplier Event was to present the DCDS project and its online learning environment to stakeholders, e-facilitators and city councils’ technicians. About 31 people from 12 different provinces attended the encounter.
The first part of the event was devoted to an overview of the project and its current state of development. During the second part, participants were introduced to the DCDE, so they could get an idea about the users’ experience during the blended learning training. Overall, the participants had a very positive opinion on the DCDE, as well as on the whole project.
Six experts on digital competences training attended the Peer Review, which took place the next day. These experts were invited to evaluate the DCDE platform and its adequacy towards the project’s target group, adults over the age of 25 years old with low digital skills.
These experts had the opportunity to test the platform, so they could get a deeper understanding of the DCDE’s functionality. The participants expressed that the platform fits the end user’s needs, as well as the own stakeholder’s expectations in order to use it in the future. They also provided several suggestions that will surely prove very useful in the platform’s improvement.