Fundatia EOS Romania (EOS) organized the second multiplier event of the Digital Competences Development System project on 6 December 2019 at the premises of National College “C.D. Loga” Timisoara. The event event was organized together and with the support of Timis County School Inspectorate and network of schools from Timișoara and Timis County. The event was attended by more than 45 participants representing teachers and trainers from pre-university and university sectors, ICT professionals from different companies and ICT training providers from Timis region, but also representatives of Timis County School Inspectorate, stakeholders and policy makers from local and regional level.
During the event, the participants learned about DCDS project objectives, results and outputs, the developed project methodology and particularly about the online environment which was developed on a Moodle platform.
Participants were very enthusiastic about the content of the event and they have shown a special interest towards the training methodology and the online system. DCDE online environment was one of the most important resources presented during the event. A demo was realized in order to present the Moodle platform and its functionalities, with the main sections related to SAT – self-assesment test and completion of some exercises and summative tests from the Base Learning Path. A few examples from different training modules were tested during the event so that participants had a clear idea about the way how the online environment was designed.
The highlights of the event were related to the big number of participants that responded to the invitation and the interest manifested by them towards the topics presented during the event sessions. Networks of schools, training centres from universitie,s and private ICT training centres are constantly interested in using new resources and training approaches in their training sessions with digitally low skilled adults. In this sense, the fact that DCDS resources and training courses are free of charge helps them a lot, since their resources are very limited. This kind of resources are very few in Romania, and representatives of schools and educational training centres emphasized the importance of digital competences development system for training education sector, either they are formal and non-formal training providers.