The Digital Competence Development Methodology (DCDM)
The Digital Competence Development Methodology (DCDM) presents the following components:
- Implementation process of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) on proficiency levels 1 and 2 (foundation level) across all 21 digital competences.
- 95 learning outcomes (LOUTs) drawn from or inspired by various sources.
- Principles of formal and non-formal adult education adopted in DCDS and the attention that will be paid to social learning aspects.
- Profiling tool and self-assessment test to customize learning experience.
- Training offer structured into 4 learning paths, made of a total 64 learning units organized into 19 thematic modules, which are designed to achieve all the 95 identified learning outcomes covering all 21 DigComp competences.
- Concepts of game-like application to enhance learners’ motivation.
- Evaluation system which addresses learning assessment (both formative and summative) and competence validation with the issuing of badges and course quality evaluation.