The consortium has been set up taking into account the required expertise to improve basic digital skills of low-skilled adults in non-formal education in Europe.
The Partnership is composed of key stakeholders in the field of e-i and adult education, which possess the capacity to reach a systemic impact through their activities and drive and innovate the policy agenda at different levels. It consists of eight organizations from six countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Spain): two European wide networks focused on e-inclusion and adult education; an Open University for adults; and five adult training providers with an extensive experience in developing and delivering training programmes for the e-inclusion of low skilled and vulnerable adults.
Through the development and test of DCDS – and related evaluation - the partners will: (1) enable education and training providers to improve their services in lifelong training and competence assessment and validation; and (2) empower policy makers from different fields in formulating innovative integrated policies for developing and recognising adults’ ’ basic digital competences.