The Digital Competences Development Environment (DCDE) is the online learning platform that supports the blended learning approach employed in DCDS (Digital Competences Development System). DCDE was developed by the DAISSy research group of the Hellenic Open University and provides the following:
- A self-assessment tool (SAT) to be used by learners before starting the training, in order to help them identify the level of their digital competences and the gaps;
- A recommender tool that combines information in the learner profile together with the outcomes of SAT in order to suggest to the teacher (and the learner) the learning paths that should be given a priority;

- Different learning paths (LP) composed of DigComp competences, which contain study material that complements what the teacher explains in each face-to-face lesson. Learning paths are structured from basic learning units aggregated into modules of variable duration. Currently, four LPs are offered: (a) BASE (compulsory), (b) Communication and Social Media, (c) Digital Content Creation, (d) Exploring Information and Communication Technologies;
- Assessment tests (including learning quizzes and practical exercises) to help learners and trainers assess progress and learning;
- Badges that learners will earn by passing the tests at the end of each module. Badges are also issued when completing successfully a learning path and the module/s which contribute to gain a DigComp competence;
- Forum service to communicate with teacher and peers.
DCDE is available in English, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Romanian, and Spanish. If you want to join the DCDS training, please contact your local training provider.